Introducing Aubrey Fry, a visionary luminary of electronic music, whose narrative unfolds with the same riveting intensity as his pulsating beats. With prestigious signings to DJ Sasha's Last Night On Earth, John Digweed's Bedrock Records, and Nick Warren's The Sound Garden, Aubrey's sonic creations have captivated audiences across the globe, from the streets of Miami to the neon-lit alleys of Tokyo.
Beyond his accolades as an accomplished electronic music producer, Aubrey's prowess extends to his electrifying DJ sets, where he takes listeners on a transcendent journey through the depths of sound. Sharing stages with legends like John Digweed, Dave Clarke, Jody Wisternoff and Guy J, Aubrey's sets are a masterclass in sonic diversity, effortlessly traversing genres from breaks to house to techno with finesse and flair.
Prepare to be swept away as Aubrey Fry unveils a sonic tapestry unlike any other. Strap in and let the music carry you to new heights as you embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of electronic euphoria.